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integral time中文是什么意思

用"integral time"造句"integral time"怎么读"integral time" in a sentence


  • 积分时间


  • Effect analysis of integral time on aperture function of push - broom imaging system
  • In order to minimize the value of the improved integral time multiplied absolute error ( itae ) performance index , the simplex method was used to optimize the fuzzy controller with 4 modifying factors
  • To improve the data sampling velocity o f ccd , and take account o f the match of the ccd and the illumination of the lamp - house , the max integral time of the ccd was calculated in the thesis ; thus , the proper integral cycle is determined
  • This article according to the acquirement of the system parameters such as : temperature sensitivity 、 angle resolution 、 image forming time etc to design the type and diameter of the antenna ; the receiver type , integral time , rf gain , lpf gain ; the mode of calibration ; the sample frequency and program of the daq ; the scanning time , scan type , etc
  • As the main research institute of ring laser gyroscopes in china , teaching and research section 208 , nudt , is always puzzled by the problem of null - shift in the process of developing mechanically dithered ring laser gyroscopes ( mdrlg ) . the problem is that the mdrlg ' s null shift equal to the integral times of dither periods when the sample time is set as integer dither periods
  • Through simulation and calculating the four models , the influence on proportion coefficient , integral time constant , derivative time constant and partial feedback coefficient for system performance is analyzed . the ideal reference value of every parameters and step respond curves are given . the simulation result may be used as reference for making analogue controller or digital controller
  • Experiments on the measurement of temperature with thermocouple in alternating electromagnetic field are conducted . the effects of factors on the measurement result are studied , such as position , integral time , environment temperature , power supply , heating power and encapsulation mode of thermocouple . effective measures are obtained to decrease the negative effect of alternating magnetic field , which ensure that accurate measurement will be acquired in the following experiments
  • The firmware of ez - usb with the function of collecting , the whole image frame transmission and setting of integral time is established . the usb device driver with the function of downloading firmware and responding usb transmission is established . the applied program with the function of communication and control is established
    编制具有采集、传输完整图像帧并且能够设置积分时间的ez - usb芯片固件,具有固件下载、响应usb传输等功能的usb设备驱动程序,具有通信和控制功能的应用程序。
  • Because the concentration of zirconium in uranium has large ranges , from 1 . 50xlo ' 6 - 3 . 8g / gu , not only how to decrease the remainder of uranium to eliminate its determinate effect but also how to acquire higher recovery of zirconium is considered , so the method of silica gel , the method of tbp levextrel resin chromatography , the method of tta chromatography and the method of tta extraction are compared . then tta extraction is chosen to acquire the ideal separation purpose . compared with icp - ms and icp - aes , xrf has characters of high repeatability , stability , low cost , high concentration elements analysis , the ability to determinate solid sample and having comprehensive practicability , but xrf has lower sensitivity , so how to increase the concentration of the sample to acquire better precision is a difficult problem , the optimum of operating condition : the integral time of spectral lines is 60s , the integral time of background lines is 20s , the voltage of xrf is 50kv , the electric current is 50ma
    由于铀中锆的含量范围很广,从1 . 50 10 ~ ( - 6 ) 3 . 8g / gu ,在分离和测量时,既要考虑尽量地减少铀的残留量以消除铀对锆测量产生的影响,又要获得锆的理想的回收率,因此本文在分离方法的选择上比较了硅胶吸附分离法, cl - tbp萃取色层法, tta萃取色层法和tta萃取分离法的优缺点,认为tta萃取分离法可以达到理想的分离效果。
  • Cid - icp - aes has the advantages of high sensitivity , high signal - to - noise and high quantum efficiency , which nearly reaches theoretical limit value of theoretical parts of an apparatus ; it can memorize thousands of spectra lines at the same time . cid - icp - aes is the newest model , and there are still few articles to report analytical character of this type , as this result the optimum of operating condition and the effect of analytical parameters for photometric precision , signal - to - noise and detection limits are studied : r . f . power is 11 sow , nebulizer pressure is 28psi , the measurement time is 3 times and the integral time is 20s
    本实验室的光谱仪是当前最新型号的全谱直读光谱仪,这类新型装置分析性能的研究报道较少,因此研究着重分析了参数对测量精密度、线背比及检出限的影响,对仪器最佳操作条件进行了摘要优化:发射功率采用1150w ;载气压力为28psi ,测量次数选择3次,积分时间为205 。
用"integral time"造句  


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